Automation & Manufacturing

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Extremely detailed and accurate instructions, manuals and other relevant reference materials for users are necessary for sophisticated high-tech equipment produced by automation and manufacturing industries. Localization service vendors must have an in-depth understanding of specialized fields in order to provide accurate translation, because the manufacturing industry involves many technical fields and the terminologies they use are quite specialized. Production is no longer a simple process, but a complicated process including design, manufacture, documentation, support and localization as well, since the upgrade cycle time becomes much shorter than ever before.

MARVELLOR has deep insight into a wide variety of technical fields thanks to our rich resources and terminology databases for different industries. Our translation and localization experts can ensure you of professional services and high-quality deliverables through:

  • Extensive experience with complicated and high-tech projects.
  • Integration of our Project Management system with your specific working platforms.
  • Leverage of our network of in-country resources throughout Asia, which facilitates relevant and consistent communications to Asian markets.
  • Involving your own in-country reviewers in our quality assurance processes.
  • Shortening project turnaround time by prompt reaction to emerging market requirements.
Clients of translation agency