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In nowaday automobile industry, car manufacturers have never faced such tough roads to navigate owing to ever-growing demands for improved durability, higher speed, easier handling, more stylish appearance, better safety, more functions, and lower costs. In addition, grim competitions forces automobile companies to speed up their step in expanding their business to global vision. High quality localization becomes vital to ensure successful launching of products in new markets. Localization imperfections not only lead to the impression of poor product quality that may result in reduced sales, but they can also have negative implications of product safety.

Powered by MARVELLOR's translation and localization solutions, our clients are able to:

  • Launch products in multiple markets simultaneously
  • Shrink product delivery cycle time to global markets
  • Reduce localization costs
  • Improve information sharing throughout the industry worldwide
  • Easily get the quality they want
  • Eliminate most of the technical errors in the source materials
  • Improve the touch and feel of the final deliverables and the customer experience in the global market
  • Build strong brand loyalty and consistent brand image around the world
Clients of translation agency