Desktop Publishing

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Desktop publishing (DTP) is primarily concerned with putting together textual and graphical components into a desired format and layout. If your end product is not a simple text document, then DTP is an essential part of the Localization process.

MARVELLOR has the technological expertise to create printed or electronic documents meeting a wide variety of desktop publishing needs.

MARVELLOR provides a full range of complex multilingual desktop publishing services for both PC and Macintosh platforms using state-of-the-art technology. With accumulated experience in this field, we have built a very skillful DTP team that has extensive insight, which is very critical to ensure that texts are presented perfectly in the format needed. We not only deliver high quality projects in clients' desired layout, but also can suggest the best solutions beyond their expectations.

Desktop Publishing

Why do our clients entrust the typesetting of their documents to MARVELLOR? In short, it is because our work does not stop at the word, or even the sentence, but goes right across the entire document.

Our objective is to deliver high-quality translations ready for use, which, above all, conforms to the format and mock-ups of the original documents. MARVELLOR brings together the translation and DTP checks in all language versions, so there is no tedious copy-pasting for the client to do in all the different language versions. This results in substantial savings in time and money.

Clients of translation agency